Does anyone have any recommendations for sugar powdering equipment? I need to reduce the particle…

Does anyone have any recommendations for sugar powdering equipment? I need to reduce the particle size of my coconut sugar and I’m curious if anyone has experience with this. I have used the Vitamix for some time, but it is extremely time consuming and tends to get a bit too hot after extended use. I know Vitamix has a commercial size unit, but I was told by Vitamix that the machine isn’t as powerful, or has less (insert technical term her that means power per area). Does this wonderful community have any recommendations??? Thanks in advance!

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Comment by: DiscoverChoc

The process of powdering coconut sugar can be difficult because of the moisture content. Do you know what that is?

You could look into a vertical cutter mixer (Robot Coupe makes them) to do this. I have experience using these to reduce particle size on conventional cane sugar, but not on coconut sugar.