Helen Chocolate para TCL: Entrevista a Pedro Araujo

This post was contributed by Helen López Vásquez.

Entrevista para The Chocolate Life a Pedro Araujo el chocolatero al mando de la marca de chocolates bean to bar que se desarrolla dentro del Museo del Chocolate de Oporto. Araujo también da las claves para “maridar chocolate con vino de Oporto” o lo que se conocen como “una pareja hecha en el cielo.”

The Chocolate Story - Museo del Chocolate Oporto - WOW Porto
En The Chocolate Story de WOW Oporto conoce el mundo del chocolate y personaliza tu propia tableta de chocolate. Visite el Museo del Chocolate en Oporto.
Spanish-language site.
Vinte Vinte Chocolate
Spanish-language site.

Interview with Pedro Araujo, the chocolatier and chocolate maker of Vinte Vinte, the bean to bar brand that is made inside the Chocolate Story (The Chocolate Museum of Porto). Learn how to pair Chocolate and Port and why a trip to Port could be a good idea. The WOW complex has attractions for all.

The Chocolate Story - Chocolate Museum Porto - WOW Porto
In The Chocolate Story of WOW Porto get to know the world of chocolate and personalize your own chocolate bar. At WOW we tell you the Story of Chocolate.
English-language site.
Vinte Vinte Chocolate
English-language site.

This is the first collaboration between international correspondent Helen López Vasquéz, also known as Helen Chocolate, and The Chocolate Life. Originally from Venezuela, Helen has been teaching chocolate courses from her new home base in Madrid. Over the past year, her online audience has grown considerably thanks to her extensive knowledge and engaging style of presentation.

Cata de chocolates en Madrid | Regalo Original | Helen Chocolate
Cata de chocolates en Madrid. Regalo Original. Tarjeta Regalo. Precio 35 euros. Catas de Chocolates para empresas. Online y presenciales.

Esta es la primera colaboración entre The Chocolate Life y Helen López Vasquéz, corresponsal internacional originaria de Venezuela, también conocida como Helen Chocolate. Desde su nueva base de operaciones en Madrid, Helen ha estado dando cursos sobre chocolate. Desde el año pasado, su público en línea ha crecido considerablemente, gracias a su amplio conocimiento y a su interesante estilo de presentación.