Hello Everyone! We are looking to purchase a new automatic tempering machine and have come across the KeyChoc machines. I was wondering if anyone here

Hello Everyone! We are looking to purchase a new automatic tempering machine and have come across the KeyChoc machines. I was wondering if anyone here has/or currently owns one of these machines and how well do they perform? Thanks for your help!

Archived Comments

Comment by: seisman

Thank you! Yes I think we will actually look into the AX further. I appreciate your help!

Comment by: DiscoverChoc

reply toThe MX product you linked to is a batch tempering machine – you melt chocolate, then add seed and lower the temperature. It’s hard to tell what the capacity of the machine is but it’s very attractively priced at GBP5900 +VAT if you are on a constrained budget.

Given what I can see about the AX machine I’d choose that one if your budget stretches (to GBP10,0900 +VAT) because it’s a gas-cooled continuous tempering machine which means much greater productivity in roughly the same footprint.

Both machines will handle good-sized inclusions, look relatively easy to clean/wash, and have a selection of depositing heads and vibrating tables to choose from.

Anecdotally, people who like theirs seem to really like them. This is, of course, a self-selecting group and so it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. No machine is perfect and two different people will love/hate their machines for exactly the same feature/function.

Comment by: seisman

Hi! Yes, here is a link: https://www.keychoc.com/products/infinity-mx/
Thank you!

Comment by: DiscoverChoc

Is there any particular model you are interested in? Please share a link.