Hi All, I am after books on making different flavoured chocolate bars and tablets. I am not after…

Hi All, I am after books on making different flavoured chocolate bars and tablets.
I am not after books on “Bean to bar chocolate”. I am using Callebaut chocolate.
Looking forward to your replies.

Archived Comments

Comment by: SweetDriver1

CookieCo, there are many books as Clay mentions. I, however, find inspiration all around. Even in unlikely places. I recently added some chocolate bar flavors that were inspired by summer cocktails. Look on places like epicurious.com or food and wine.
Look for the popular “super” foods like hibiscus, matcha or elderberries. Also, try adding some of the flavor infused salts. I do a white chocolate with dried fruits, almonds and sprinkle it candied rose petals and merlot flavored sea salt. Its great with a chilled rose.
Don’t just stop at chocolate recipes! Good luck.

Comment by: DiscoverChoc

There are many books about making “candy bars” but not one that I know of that is focused on flavored bars. What exactly are you looking to accomplish?