Hi Everyone, Our company is a start-up importing chocolates. I went on the Tariffs area site of…

Hi Everyone,

Our company is a start-up importing chocolates. I went on the Tariffs area site of Customs but couldn’t differentiate the complicated tariff values. Basically my question, if anyone can help me, is what’s the cost for example for 10,000 tons-40′ container of chocolate mainly chocolate bars/candy bars, truffles etc. and what would the % be on tariffs, taxes fees to Port of Miami ?


Archived Comments

Comment by: DiscoverChoc
@buysellchocolate / Sam – you are very right, it’s complicated. There are different rates for different HS codes (and there are a bunch!) and it’s calculated on a number of factors at different rates per HS code. And I think that you mean 10k pounds not 10k tons in that 40-footer.

IANAL and I am not a licensed/experienced customs broker, so even if I did know exactly what mix of products you were bringing in, I could not advise you with any certainty. Personally, I would not attempt this without an experienced broker and so I would engage a broker in helping you sort this out. That’s what they do. Any mistake you make risks the product being stuck in customs waiting for clearance, delays that can get quite costly.

If you have not visited this page on the CPB web site, there is some advice and resources to consider. There is a specific reference to COOL requirements for chocolate and candy near the bottom.
