I’m an at home chocolate “hobbiest”, hoping to turn my passion into a small side business (I’m a teacher/educator by day). I recently bought a Chocovision Rev 2B machine, which is fine for enrobed chocolates, but I like to work with molds. The machine seems way too small for that, but maybe it’s because I’m a novice. Someone suggested getting a chocolate warmer (like Mol D’Art, 6kg). Any advice?
reply toOkay!
If you’re comfortable with tempering then a small Mol d’Art is a good choice.
Thanks for your response! I understand that the Mol D’Art isn’t a tempering machine and I do have a pretty good idea of how to temper chocolate myself since I did that by hand for a few years before I finally bought a Rev 2B. It’s more about size of the bowl so that when I make the shells and turn the molds upside down, the chocolate doesn’t go all over the place and the chocolate can still be used for the next mold. Currently, I’m only making about 6 molds (28 cavities each) at a time.
A chocolate warmer like a Mol d’Art is not a tempering machine. You really should know how to properly temper chocolate in order to use it. One way to use a melter is to melt the chocolate but never take it out of temper (not get it too warm). You can also use the sous vide method to create what’s called cocoa butter silk to seed melted chocolate. A lot depends on how much chocolate you need. And – learning how to properly hand temper is not a skill that will ever go to waste.