Panorama Photoblog

A selection of a dozen panorama photos taken during various travels around the world – from Bolivia, Brasil, and Perú in South America to the Netherlands and Belgium in Europe to Japan – and closer to home.

Bolivia, 2010

Perú, 2013

Netherlands, 2015

Nicaragua, 2015

Paris, 2016

Brasil, 2017

Shanghai, 2017

San Francisco, 2019

Tokyo, 2020

Brussels, 2020

Production Notes

All of the photos were taken by me on a iPhone – various models up to an including an iPhone 11Pro. One thing I see is a real improvement in the software used to process the panoramas in the phone. This can especially be seen in the sky in the pano taken in Perù in 2013. The banding may be due to inconsistently rotating the camera during the exposure.

All of the images were imported into LuminarAI for color enhancement and noise reduction where it seemed needed. The images were then opened in Photoshop Elements (2015) where they were resized to the same width (1920 pixels) before saving as JPEGs. I varied the amount of compression to get a file size around 700kb.

The featured image was produced using the same tools. After resizing the two photos to 1920 pixels wide, I created a composite and then cropped the resulting image to 1080 pixels, which is an aspect ratio of 16:9 (HD video).

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