Pastry Arts Magazine Launches the Pastry Arts Virtual Summit

Via TheChocolateWire

Months in development and with the support of over twenty manufacturers, ingredient and equipment suppliers, and educational institutes and programs, the Virtual Pastry Summit is an online learning resource for chefs working in pastry, baking, chocolate, and frozen desserts.

“After trade shows and conferences were canceled due to COVID-19,” says Shawn Wenner, the President of Rennew Media, “we felt it was unfair for dessert professionals to miss out on some type of professional development.”

Given the limitations on movement and gathering imposed to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus, the videos that have been submitted represent a broad variety of production levels all the way from multi-camera professionally produced and edited production to Zoom interviews. “Irrespective of the level of production values,” continued Wenner, “every single person involved in the project poured passion into their topic.”

To learn more about the Virtual Summit and to sign up for a four-day trial subscription, visit the Pastry Arts Virtual Summit website.

If subscribers have questions or feedback for presenters, contact information – email address, website, and/or social media handle(s) – is available in each video’s description.

Top 5 Takeaways

  1. FREE four-day trial all-access subscription.
  2. Extended subscription (season pass – just $29) provides access to the Pastry Arts Virtual Summit through the end of 2020.
  3. All videos can be viewed on desktop or laptop computers, tablets, and phones.
  4. More than 20 downloadable recipes and presentations.
  5. Downloadable versions of every published issue of Pastry Arts Magazine.

About Pastry Arts Magazine

Since its inception in 2018, the mission of Pastry Arts Magazine has been to innovate a one-of-a-kind multimedia platform spotlighting the trade that gives a voice to hardworking pastry and baking professionals – one that will inspire, educate, and connect the gourmet community. It joins Entrepreneurial Chef as a member of the Rennew Media family of sites.

Filed Under: #TheChocolateWire #raiseyourbar

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