Potomac Chocolate Kickstarter - Successfully Completed!


My company is Potomac Chocolate, and I’m a small chocolate maker based in Woodbridge, Virginia. I’ve been a member of The Chocolate Life for the past 7 years or so, and am now also a volunteer moderator. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge on this site and try to contribute regularly to help others to do the same.

I wanted to let you know that Potomac Chocolate is running a new Kickstarter campaign. If funded, this Kickstarter will help me to grow Potomac Chocolate with new equipment and a new single-origin bar.

Equipment-wise, I’m hoping to get a new, larger grinder. I’m currently using a Santha Spectra 65 and would like to go to one of their larger grinders (the 100 or 150). This will enable me to produce a lot more chocolate (obviously) and would allow me to better utilize my conche, which can handle 65+ lbs of chocolate.

In addition to making more chocolate, I’ll also be increasing the size of my bars by 20% or so (but not raising my prices!), which will require new molds and packaging. I’m hoping to finally get some custom molds, featuring the fish from my logo.

The new single-origin chocolate bar will be a large part of the rewards, which will also include my other chocolate bars, chocolate tastings, custom chocolate and/or wrappers, factory tours or classes, and more. For the new bar, I’ve got a few origins in mind that I’d just love to try.

The link to the Kickstarter project is:


I greatly appreciate all the support and knowledge you’ve given me and Potomac Chocolate in the past, and hope that if you’ve benefited from any of my contributions (or just like good chocolate), that you’ll consider backing this project and helping Potomac to grow to the next level.

In addition to backing the project, I’d appreciate any help with sharing that link far and wide: on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., and with every chocolate-lover you know.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have!


-Ben, Chocolate Maker + Owner, Potomac Chocolate

Archived Comments

Comment by: potomacchocolate
Thanks @DiscoverChoc!

Comment by: DiscoverChoc
@potomacchocolate – Congrats on the success of your Kickstarter campaign! Looking forward to tasting the new origins!

Comment by: potomacchocolate
Just to close the circle on this, I wanted to post that the Kickstarter was successful. I’ve already been making progress on acquiring some of the new equipment and testing out new beans.

Thanks to everyone here at TCL who backed it or helped to spread the word!

Comment by: potomacchocolate
Update: There’s 6 days left on the Kickstarter and it’s at just under $8000 towards its goal. Thanks to any TCL members who have already pledged! If you haven’t, I’d love it if you’d check it out and consider becoming a backer.

There are some great rewards–chocolate mostly. 🙂 One that may be of particular interest to those who are relatively new to making chocolate is the opportunity to come and work with me for a day making chocolate. We’ll do every step of my process and you’ll be able to ask me any questions and learn some of the tricks that I’ve learned over the past seven years of making chocolate.

The Kickstarter is at: http://kck.st/2wFScLz

Please feel free to ask any questions here or as message to the Kickstarter.
