TheChocolateLife :: LIVE – The Penn State Chocolate Short Course

Join me as I discuss the short course – curriculum, goals, facilities and more – with short course faculty Sarah Bharath (consultant to Meridian Cacao), Helene Hopfer (PSU), Alan McClure (Patric Chocolate), and Greg Ziegler (PSU).

Scheduled for June 20-23rd 2022, this on-campus course is promoted as:

“A Bean-to-Bar course for both craft and industrial chocolate manufacturers.

“During this 4-day course, successful craft chocolate entrepreneurs, equipment manufacturers, and Penn State faculty will instruct you in the theory and practice of chocolate production from the selection of raw materials through the marketing of finished product. Of value to those with both technical and non-technical duties, attendees will engage mind and hands to gain detailed knowledge of chocolate processing.”

Those who may be interested in attending can ask questions of the guests during the live stream.

Summary - Chocolate Short Course
ice cream making, ice cream short course, penn state ice cream, cow to cone
Click to visit the short course registration site on Cvent.
Cacao and Chocolate Research Network (Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences)
The College of Agricultural Sciences at Penn State is globally known for its high quality cacao and chocolate science.
Quantitative analysis and response surface modeling of important bitter compounds in chocolate made from cocoa beans with eight roast profiles across three origins.
Journal of Food Science
— Authors: Alan McClure, Christine M. Spinka, Ingolf U. Grün
Optimizing consumer acceptability of 100% chocolate through roasting treatments and effects on bitterness and other important sensory characteristics.
ScienceDirect/Current Research in Food Science
— Authors: Alan P.McClure, HeleneHopfer, Ingolf U.Grün

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Live Stream header image original by Jason Rosewell / Unsplash

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