We are delighted to share the fifth episode of our Makers Series, MS 5: “Marou, Faiseurs de Chocolat…

We are delighted to share the fifth episode of our Makers Series, MS 5: “Marou, Faiseurs de Chocolat.” with co-founder Sam Maruta. Please listen and share (link follows) and join us as we taste the Dak Lak (70%) bar. https://audioboom.com/posts/6196706-makers-series-5-marou-faiseurs-de-chocolat?t=0
You can use the code “slowmelt” for a discount on the entire Makers Series Bar Bundle, including the Dak Lak (70%) bar, from Chocolopolis (in the U.S.) or get most of the bars in a subscription box from Bean Bar You (ships within Australia).

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