Why This Form?
In the last six months of TheChocolateLife on Maven, a frighteningly high percentage of posts came from spammers using disposable email addresses. To combat this flood of SPAM (a mixed metaphor if there ever was [or were?] one) questions are now being moderated.
Ask Your Question
If you have a question about cocoa or chocolate – even if you are not a member – please ask it using the form below [a Google Doc] and TeamTCL will set to work finding an answer and posting it here on TheChocolateLife. While it may seem like there are a lot of questions on the form, answers are actually required to only four of them.
Any personally identifying information you supply will be handled according to our privacy policy:
TheChocolateLife and Your Privacy
No, Big Data is not watching you – because respecting privacy is very important to us.
Past Answers to Questions Posed by Members
AMA: Ask Me Anything (About Cocoa or Chocolate) #1 – Edible Crystals
The QuestionChocolate is a crystal. What other crystals do we eat? Chocolate is mind (andtaste bud) blowing eh? It’s actually not completely accurate to say that chocolateitself is a crystal. Chocolate contains cocoa butter – the percentage depends on the chocolate recipe– that has crystalliz…
AMA: Ask Me Anything (About Cocoa or Chocolate) #3 – Why Not W Africa?
The Question:Why is it rare for us to see bean to bar makers sourcing their cocoa beans fromWest Africa? — Fatima Zohra-Hakam, Zora Chocolate[https://www.zorachocolate.com/] There are many ways to answer this question – the most blunt answer is thepresence of an elephant in the room: Unacknow…
AMA: Ask Me Anything (About Cocoa or Chocolate) #8: What is Conching?
The QuestionThis is another assertion that is not usually put in the form of a question.Rather, it is the misuse of a technical term: melangers (or melangeurs, a Frenchterm for mixer) are very often referred to as conches. Technically, melangersare a form of universal, so-called because all of…
If you are a member, you can pose a question in the comments below. Answers will be published as separate posts.