Watch on my LinkedIn profile
Watch on TheChocolateLife page on Facebook (live event)
In this episode we’re going to be exploring cocoa and climate change: Does cocoa contribute to the problem (and if it does, how), and how can cocoa be a part of solutions to climate change (if it can)?
The discussion will include topics in planting design (e.g., agroforestry) and carbon credits in the discussion over on LinkedIn. So – I recommend everyone take a read of the thread as a part of getting ready for this live stream.
And then we also need to consider the sustainable markets aspect of the issue – who’s going to pay for it and are any of the economic benefits going to inure to smallholder farmers?
Just A Few Carbon Credits in Cocoa Links
UN Global Climate Awards » Deforestation-Free Cocoa | Peru
Some Files to Download and Read
#climate #climatechange
#regenerativeagriculture #cabruca #agroforestry
#chocolate #craftchocolate #cacao #cocoa #cacau
#TheChocolateLife #LaVidaCocoa