All of the linked files are ©Clay Gordon/TheChocolateLife and are for personal use/playback only. They can be listened to in a browser and/or downloaded to a local device for offline listening. For any other use, contact Clay Gordon via email at clubhouse[@]thechocolatelife[.]com.
Note: For most rooms/episodes the podcast files are raw/barely edited. This is being done to facilitate getting them uploaded. Some episodes are more highly edited.
When you click on a podcast link a new browser tab will open, the file will be downloaded to your browser, and a player will appear. There should be a download link.
Week 28 :: Week of October 4
TCLonCH EP28-01 Alcoholic Beverages Cocoa and Chocolate.mp3
TCLonCH EP28.02 The Importance of Flavor.mp3
TCLonCH EP28-03 Is Bean-to-Bar Obsolete.mp3
TCLonCH EP28-04 P is for Praline.mp3
TCLonCH EP28-05 Thank Chocolate It’s Friday.mp3
Week 27 :: Week of September 27
TCLonCH EP27-04 The Cooperative of the Future.mp3
TCLonCH EP27-05 Thank Chocolate It’s Friday.mp3
Week 26 :: Week of September 20
Week 24 :: Week of August 30
Week 22 :: Week of August 16
Week 21 :: Week of August 9
Episode 21-05 – YoureLucky_HesLucky_ImLucky_WereALLLucky_2021_08_13.mp3
Week 19 :: Week of July 26
Episode 19.03 — Slavery_on_Trial.m4a
Week 18 :: Week of July 19
Episode 18.04 — Chocolate_in_NYC_1930-2000s_Decline_&_Rebirth.m4a
Week 17 :: Week of July 12
Episode 17.03 – CocoaButterDeepDive.m4a
Episode 17.04 — Chocolate_in_NYC_1900-1930_Birth_of_an_Industry.m4a
Week 16 :: Week of July 05
Episode 16.04 — Chocolate_in_NYC_1850-1900_A_Golden_Age.m4a
Week 15 :: Week of June 28
Episode 15.04 — Chocolate_in_NYC_1800-1850_A_Second_Revolution.m4a
Week 14 :: Week of June 21
Episode 14.04 —Chocolate_in_NYC_1750-1800_A_Consuming_Culture.mp3
Week 13 :: Week of June 14
Episode 13.04 — Chocolate_in_NYC_A_New_York_State_of_Mind.mp3
Featured image: Original by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash