Updated: Equipping a Startup Craft Chocolate Biz | #PodSaveChocolate Ep102

Updated: Equipping a Startup Craft Chocolate Biz | #PodSaveChocolate Ep102

Episode 102 explores options for equipping a startup craft chocolate business for success and where the CapEx equipment budget is a key concern. I will only cover build-out issues incidentally. [ Updated ]

When and Where to Watch

The stream airs at 11:00 MST (10:00 PST, 12:00 CST, 13:00 EST), on Friday, February 21st, 2025

Links below to watch ā€“ or to view the archived episode.
Equipping a Startup Craft Chocolate Biz | #PodSaveChocolate Ep102
Episode 102 OverviewIn Episodes 99, 100, and 101, I explored the what and why of how I would kit out ultimate and budget chocolate and confectionery workshopā€¦

Click on this (shareable) link to watch on YouTube. Please subscribe (free!) to the @PodSaveChocolate YouTube channel, like this video, comment, and share this episode to help grow the #PSC community.

Clay Gordon on LinkedIn: #lavidacocoa #thechocolatelife #cacao #cocoa #cacau #chocolateā€¦
Episode 102 Overview In Episodes 99, 100, and 101, I explored the what and why of how I would kit out ultimate and budget chocolate and confectioneryā€¦

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Equipping a Startup Craft Chocolate Biz | #PodSaveChocolate Ep102
Other event by TheChocolateLife on Friday, February 21 2025

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Episode 102 Overview

In Episodes 99, 100, and 101, I explored the whats, whys, and hows I would kit out the ultimate and budget chocolate and confectionery workshops I would want to own and run.

Episode 99 (Ultimate) did not include a brick-and-mortar retail component; Episode 100 (Budget) did, and Episode 101 focused on filling in the gaps, emphasizing capabilities for IRL retail.

Equipping the Ultimate Chocolate / Confectionery Workshop | #PodSaveChocolate Ep99
Episode 99 explores some options for kitting out a workshop If cost were no object. What equipment would I select to transform cocoa beans into chocolate and make chocolate confectionery items? And why?
Equipping the Budget Chocolate & Confectionery Workshop | #PodSaveChocolate Ep100
Episode 100 explores some options for kitting out a workshop on a budget. What equipment would I select to transform cocoa beans into chocolate and make chocolate confectionery and other items for wholesale and online and in-store retail? And why?
Equipping a Budget Workshop Pt 2 | #PodSaveChocolate Ep101
Episode 101 explores options for smallwares and low(er)-cost items that fill in the gaps when kitting out a budget chocolate/confectionery workshop. [ Updated ]

In this episode, however, I will explore options for anyone looking at equipping a startup business where budget is a real concern, crafting a foundation for success. Addressing retail concerns will play a secondary role.

Thatā€™s the starting point for this episode. Again, I have to point out right up front that I am still not talking about kitting out a workshop for the lowest possible cost. My thinking and recommendations are about price/performance (aka value) ... what it takes to create the foundation for a successful startup craft chocolate business because, before the previous episode, Mike King of Encore Coffee & Chocolate emailed me and asked:

When you stated ā€œbudgetā€ (workshop) - really what I was looking forward to was hearing your opinion on best value vs. budget.

When looking at tempering machines, does the startup go with a melter and silk, a Chocovision product, tabletop tempering or continuous tempering? What is the best equipment just above the hobbiest level.  

Most startups will startup with hobby gear like I did, but where does it make sense to invest, where can you do more DIY solutions.?

While some of what I will be talking about may address the concerns of someone who ā€œjustā€ wants to make chocolate for themselves, family, and friends, the underlying premise of the episode is setting yourself up as a successful business; what it takes to be a profitable, or at least not one that has no hope of being profitable from the start.

For each main category of equipment capabilities, I will discuss at least two approaches, presenting trade-offs and dependencies to consider.


0ļøāƒ£ Underlying assumption

Even if you are not paying yourself wages or a salary, keep track of all the time you spend and assign a value to it. At least your stateā€™s minimum wage, burdened to cover employment taxes, etc.

Know what it would cost to hire someone to do the work youā€™re doing ā€œfor free.ā€

2ļøāƒ£ Cracking / Winnowing

Conversitech MI10 (10kg/hr)
DCM Breeze Mini (10-15kg/hr)
Cracker: Crankandstein DIY seed cleaner: winnower

3ļøāƒ£ Refining / Conching

Conversitech R15 (15-18kg)
DCM 20 (11kg/batch ā€“ next size up is 22kg/batch; the 50)
Grind gage (grindometer)

4ļøāƒ£ Tempering (continuous)

Concerns; Suitability for tempering high-viscosity (2i) chocolates
Keychoc Infinity BX (24kg working bowl) Fairbank Depositing Head
ICB Chocotemper Top-11 (11kg working bowl) ICB Icebelt Top
FBM Aura (4kg working bowl, no attachment/upgrades

5ļøāƒ£ Tempering (batch)

FBM Quadro (10kg automatic, active cooling)
Chocovision Rev 3Z (automatic, passive cooling)
HomeChocolat Chocolatier (1kg, automatic, passive cooling)
EZTemper (silk maker)
Krea Swiss Melter (6kg/20kg, manual tempering)

7ļøāƒ£ Options for selling your product

Alternatives to brick-and-mortar retail:
1) Online (integrated FG inventory management, sales taxes, labels)
2) Local Markets and Outlets
3) Out the loading dock door

Want to know how to make a small fortune in the chocolate business? Start with a big one.
ā€” Anon


If you have questions or want to comment, you can do so during the episode or, if you are a ChocolateLife member, you can add them in the Comments below at any time.

More Episode Hashtags

#cocoa #cacao #cacau
#chocolate #chocolat #craftchocolate
#PodSaveChoc #PSC
#LaVidaCocoa #TheChocolateLife

Future Episodes

Tuesday, February 25th Ep 103
Salon du Chocolat NYC Preview ā€“ a special discount code on General Admission tickets will be revealed during the episode.

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