HotHotHot Weather Shipping | #PodSaveChocolate Ep52

Episode 52 of #PodSaveChocolate reviews top hot weather shipping advice.
When and Where to Watch
This is the second episode of PodSaveChocolate that is only streaming to YouTube. I want to see if streaming to a single platform increases overall engagement. Keep in mind that to comment or ask questions LIVE you must have a YouTube account.

Click to watch on YouTube in a new tab or window. Please subscribe (free!) to the @PodSaveChocolate YouTube channel, like this video, comment, and share to help grow the #PSC community.
Episode 52 Overview
It’s hot. It’s hot. And the forecast is for it to get – and stay – hotter.
Large parts of the US are experiencing hotter-than-normal temperatures making shipping chocolate in the summer – always nerve-wracking – more challenging than normal.
With that as the backdrop, I thought it made sense to review the past advice on topics around shipping in general with an emphasis on shipping when the temps soar through the upper 80s (30C+).

This is an updated post from the original (2010) archived post
There are some non-working links in the archive post, I noticed, so I will do some additional research and find alternatives and they will be posted below.
On a side note, this is the first time I have used the same image for a standalone post as well as for an episode of either PodSaveChocolate or TheChocolateLifeLIVE.
If you have questions, you can ask them live during the episode or, if you are a ChocolateLife member, you can ask them in the Comments below at any time.
Episode Hashtags and Related Accounts to Follow
#HotHotHot #SummerShipping #TopTips
#cocoa #cacao #cacau
#chocolate #chocolat #craftchocolate
#PodSaveChocolate #PodSaveChoc
#LaVidaCocoa #TheChocolateLife
Future Episodes
Chocolates made at origin (in a producing country).
World Chocolate Day is Sunday, July 7th.
Part 1 will take place over on Bean to Barstool and will take a look at pairing beer and chocolate from the perspective of beer. Part 2 will take a look at pairing chocolate and beer from the perspective of chocolate.
#PodSaveChocolate and #TheChocolateLifeLIVE Archives
To read an archived post and find the links to watch archived episodes, click on one of the bookmark cards, below.