Missing in Action
The page you are looking for cannot be found.
This is because the story you are linking to did not get migrated from the Maven site or the Archive site on Jamroom for one reason or another and so the link you’re following does not have a corresponding match here.
As a part of the migration process posts were individually reviewed to fix broken links, find missing images and videos (if possible), and to assign posts to the category (tag) structure now in use.
For various reasons it did not make sense to migrate every post, even though the link still exists out there on the Internet somewhere in a search engine cache, because it’s been bookmarked, or because it’s in the Wayback Machine on archive.org.
- One reason for not migrating a story would be that it only contained links to images and all of the links were broken.
- Another would be that the post was hopelessly out of date and had no real archival value.
Of course we could not find every single instance (there were thousands of posts to comb through!) and if we missed something obvious you would have been sent to the 404 page instead of here.
Next Steps
We hope you’ll stay around! Following are four ways to explore what TheChocolateLife is all about.
- Click on TheChocolateLife logo in the top left of the page to see the post stream, site announcements, and more.
- Search for a word in the title by clicking on the magnifying glass in the top navigation. (It’s possible the post got renamed or the URL (what we call the slug – the text that comes after the .com/) was changed.)
- Browse the topic categories (aka tags) in the top navigation for related stories. The topic categories are also displayed as #tags throughout the story stream and at the bottom of every page (under the heading Tags).
- Support TheChocolateLife by becoming a member – there is a free tier where you will be able to view members-only content and receive members-only newsletters. Of course, we also appreciate our Premium (paid) Monthly and Annual members who get even more benefits.
Listing image credit: original by Andrew Neel on Unsplash