Moonstruck Buys Alma Chocolate

This is an outcome that I've been aware of for the past couple of months and have spoken with Sarah about possible futures for Alma for some time. So this is a bittersweet outcome. I am very happy the Alma brand will continue, I am sad to see Sarah exiting the PDX chocolate scene as a maker (though maybe just temporarily?), and hope that Moonstruck does will by Alma going forward.
I started corresponding with Sarah in the mid-2000s and made a point visiting her every time my schedule took me to/through Portland. (I lived in Portland and worked in non-commercial FM radio from 1977-2000.)
Sarah entered the Next Generation Chocolatier competition (for which I was the head judge) back in 2008 where I fell in love with her signature caramel bar.
Click here to read an article about the sale in PDX Monthly.
Click here for the recipe for Alma's famous bread pudding (in PDX Monthly).
I saw this recipe and wondered if there was a slight typo — I’m assuming the 1.5 cups of heavy cream is in addition to the 3 cups of milk, but not certain, since it’s listed on the same line. One thing I appreciate — she notes the cocoa percentage when listing bittersweet. Most recipes don’t (and then the result can be too sweet for hardcores like myself!)
Are you an Alma fan? Please share a special memory with us.