What Not to Buy the Chocolate Lover on Your List

There is so much that is offensive about this product that it’s hard to know where to begin.
I am also more than faintly amused that Goop, which is known for suggesting that women put interesting (?) things in their bodies in the name of clean, healthy, living is recommending that Goopers eat cheap candy.
My already low opinion of Goop takes a further nosedive because they think this utterly unnecessary device is *awesome*. In a way, I suppose it is: It’s an awesome waste of money, time, and resources, and everyone involved should be thoroughly ashamed that this device made it past any sort of sanity check.
My father coined a phrase to describe things like this:
Anything not worth doing is not worth doing well.
— *Robert M. Gordon, sometime in the 1960s*
Sold by Gentner Design (and I guess conceived and designed by them as well), the device in question is a purpose-built guillotine cutter that slices a single peanut butter cup into four pieces. For those who are too lazy to use a knife, or who, for some reason, don’t think it’s okay to actually touch a peanut butter cup before eating it, though it’s somehow okay to eat something you don’t want to touch? Amirite?
If you really do have the free cash floating around these holidays to consider purchasing such a mindbendingly useless thing, I encourage you to think about supporting your local small-batch specialty chocolate maker or any one the many organizations working to elevate the lives and livelihoods of smallholder cacao farmers around the world.
Or, consider supporting TheChocolateLife. It would be much appreciated.
HT to Coveteur for bringing this to my attention (via a Google Alert).