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Episode Overview
For well over a year I have been following not just news of alternative ingredients – sweeteners and fats – used in chocolate, but also cocoa-free alternatives to chocolate.
An in-depth look that informs some of what will be covered in this episode.
alt.chocolates, as I think of them, use a variety of techniques, including precision fermentation and cell culturing, that attempt to mimic the aroma, taste, texture, and technical characteristics of real chocolate made from cocoa beans. One idea is that by not using cocoa beans to make chocolate there is a reduction in several different measures of environmental impact as well as sidestepping issues of illegal labor in the cocoa«-»chocolate supply chain.
Question for the Episode
Are alt.chocolates the way to Pod Save Chocolate? A way? What about WNWN’s products? How do they stack up?
PodSaveChocolate Commitments – Updated
In every episode of PodSaveChocolate I ask my guests and participants to identify something they will commit to – this day, next week, next month, and next year to save chocolate. I hold myself to this same task, and so I am including this section, starting with this episode, for what I am committing to.
My commitment is to continue to acknowledge the role that technology may play, but as a skeptic, not as a technologist. In this context, I also commit to pointing out the (potential) impact of technology on farmers and advocating on behalf of farmers.
Homework for Participants
What commitment will you make to the Pod Save Chocolate mission?
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