Ask TheChocolateLife

While your question might not be the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything, if your question is about cocoa or chocolate it’s pretty darn important.
Why This Form?
In the last six months of TheChocolateLife on Maven, a frighteningly high percentage of posts came from spammers using disposable email addresses. To combat this flood of SPAM (a mixed metaphor if there ever was [or were?] one) questions are now being moderated.
Ask Your Question
If you have a question about cocoa or chocolate – even if you are not a member – please ask it using the form below [a Google Doc] and TeamTCL will set to work finding an answer and posting it here on TheChocolateLife. While it may seem like there are a lot of questions on the form, answers are actually required to only four of them.
Any personally identifying information you supply will be handled according to our privacy policy:

Past Answers to Questions Posed by Members

If you are a member, you can pose a question in the comments below. Answers will be published as separate posts.