Chocolat Xingu 2022 – Minhas Apresentações

Talkin' 'bout my presentations (homage to The Who). Downloadable PDF files – with my speaker notes – for the two presentations I gave at Chocolat Xingu 2022 in Altamira, Pará in July, 2022.
It is impossible to give anyone who was not in the room when I gave these presentations an understanding of the full scope of what was said. This is because I subscribe to a design theory of presentations set forth by Seth Godin that less is more.
É impossível dar a quem não estava na sala quando dei a essas apresentações uma compreensão do escopo completo do que foi dito. Isso ocorre porque subscrevo uma teoria do design das apresentações estabelecidas por Seth Godin, que menos é mais.
(All translations are from Google Translate, and I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translations.)

Um guia influente (para mim, de qualquer maneira) para usar o PowerPoint, palestras e apresentações semelhantes. Alguns dos slides nessas duas apresentações contêm muito mais palavras do que eu normalmente me sinto confortável, mas por causa das circunstâncias que eu precisava incluir dados tabulares para obter meus pontos para o público - muitos dos quais estavam muito longe para ler a tela de qualquer maneira.
I have included my speaker notes in the PDF prints of the presentations. These were added to help the translator have advance notice about some of the concepts I would be bringing up in presentation. They are very much shorthand, and I went over each slide in detail with my translator in advance.
Incluí minhas notas de alto -falante nas impressões em PDF das apresentações. Eles foram adicionados para ajudar o tradutor a ter um aviso prévio sobre alguns dos conceitos que eu estaria trazendo à apresentação. Eles são muito abreviados, e eu fui sobre cada slide em detalhes com meu tradutor com antecedência.
O Cacau No Brasil e No Mundo
Cocoa in Brasil and in the World
^ This was the first presentation. My goal here was to show how far Brasil has come in recent years compared with other countries now in the Top 10 producing countries.
What is interesting here is finding the production statistics. I ended up using data from the 2021 IESC/USDA study as the primary source, supplementing it with data from ICCO, FAOSTAT, and internal production data from AIPC, a Brazilian trade group, who provided me with the missing datum I needed – total exports of cacao in 2019 totaled about 500MT (of which ICCO says 100% is cacau fino). In 2020 the figure rose to about 630MT and the numbers for 2021 are much lower with 2022 being incomplete.
O Mundo “Bean to Bar” nos Estados Unidos
The World of Bean to Bar in the United States
As much as anything, this was a history lesson, talking about the growth of the craft/specialty/bean to bar chocolate movement in the US since 1996.
It is important to keep in mind the ultimate goal of a presentation like this by an invited international guest. It is to recognize the importance of cacau to the people of Pará and to show an awareness of that importance and to acknowledge the progress that has been made while being frank about the challenges still to be faced.
It was an exciting presentation for me because it was not technical (like the first one was). It gave me the chance to speak from my own experience, having been an observer of the industry for over twenty years. It also gave me a chance to make an emotional case and connection with the audience.
I will talk more about what that emotional connection means to the Paraense – the people of Pará – in upcoming posts on the festival itself. Right now I am packing up and getting ready to check out to catch one last meeting before heading to the airport to São Paulo (via Belém) for two days of meetings and visits with chocolate colleagues.