Chocolate Health News Update

Eating Chocolate can Reduce Stress
— Published in the Independent (UK)
From the article, “The next time you feel stressed, grab a bar or two of chocolate – as new research suggests eating chocolate can actually help lower your stress levels. According to researchers at Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Centre in Southern California, in addition to making you happier from the sugar, consuming dark chocolate can have a positive effect on your brain health.”
Dark Chocolate Can Help With Stress and Inflammation
— Published in
From the article, “New research has shown that dark chocolate could have a beneficial effect on stress levels and inflammation. Two studies that were presented at the Experimental Biology 2018 meeting have found that the consumption of dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao concentration can help reduce stress and inflammation, as well as mood and memory, [according to the Loma Linda study linked to above].”
> Notice that both of the above articles cite the same study, providing slightly different takes. This is one reason it’s really important to pay attention to the reporting to see if the reports are all about the same thing, or if you are learning anything new.
Study reveals dark chocolate can help improve vision
— Published in (Australia)
From the article, “A new study, by researchers at the University of the Incarnate Word Rosenberg School of Optometry in San Antonio, has discovered that eating a bar of dark chocolate can increase an adult’s visual clarity. Scientists came to this conclusion by testing the effects of dark chocolate on the vision of 30 healthy adults — nine men and 21 women — who were an average age of 26 years. None of the subjects had a history of eye disease.”