I am excited to let everyone know that I will be going to Shanghai, China September 2-6! I have…

I am excited to let everyone know that I will be going to Shanghai, China September 2-6!

I have been invited – one of about 25 people worldwide – to a global product launch by Barry-Callebaut. All I know is that the invite says B-C are introducing what they call “the most significant innovation in chocolate in the past 80 years.” I will find out more on September 5th and will update on my return.

A visa is required, of course, and so I spent a lot of time on Monday (submitting application with all of the necessary supporting paperwork) and today (picking up my passport with my visa in it) in the orbit of the Chinese Consulate here in Manhattan. In an unexpected example of bureaucratic generosity, I discovered my visa to be of the ten-year, multiple entry species. (I applied for a three-month, single-entry visa.)

Archived Comments

That’s great, Clay – enjoy!!!
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