AskTCL: The Size of the US Chocolate Market in the 1950s

AskTCL: The Size of the US Chocolate Market in the 1950s

AskTCL is an idea that has been a part of TheChocolateLife website since its earliest days. In fact, crowdsourcing answers to questions was one of the primary reasons I started the community.

Maria from NY asked TeamTCL the question in the title.

Maria, who describes herself as an experienced industry professional, is involved in writing a research paper.

Maria, I am sorry to say that I was unable to find any publicly available research that answers this question. I was able to find some research going back as far as about 2003, but nothing older than that.

If you’re a ChocolateLife member and have access to research that might help Maria out, we’d all appreciate your posting an answer and your source(s) in the comments. You must be a member to comment, but you can join for free if you are not a member.

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