TheChocolateLife :: LIVE w/ Max Gandy / Dame Cacao

I’ve known of Max and her Dame Cacao alter ego for many years but only got to know her a bit better when she participated in my 20th anniversary tasting experience last year (May ’21).  

Dame Cacao is a global resource for passionate chocolate lovers looking for the best chocolate & experiences around the world.

As someone with a related mission and goals, I find it fascinating to learn how others decided upon their path and knowing more about their influences and preferences. Max spent much of the two weeks leading up to this live stream in Mexico, and I helped hook her up with some chocolate so we’ll talk about that and hopefully taste some chocolate together.

Dame Cacao | Chocolate Blog & Chocolate Podcast
Chocolate travel guides & deep dives into anything and everything related to chocolate!
Click to visit the Dame Cacao website.
Welcome to the most chocolatey corner of the internet! This where you can find & listen to two different chocolate podcasts for free: Chocolate On The Road & Chocolate Habit. Chocolate On The Road is a narrative
 Chocolate on the Road Podcast home.
Finding the Pasion de Cacao in Mexico
My most potent memory from visiting Cancun is the smell of freshly-ground chocolate being carted from one room to another. The scent is like buttered toast topped with dark chocolate, and it waxed and waned
Max’s article on her trip to Cancún and her visit with my friend Roberto Reta of Pasión de Cacao located in Playa del Carmen.

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Original for the Live Stream Links header: Jason Rosewell / Unsplash

TheChocolateWire on YouTube

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