TheChocolateLife::LIVE – What is Chocolate?

TheChocolateLife::LIVE – What is Chocolate?

Episode 54 streams live on Friday, August 26th from 12:00 EDT and is a deep dive discussion of the standards of identity for chocolate in the US Code of Federal Regulations – plus other applicable regulations chocolate makers should know about.

Disclaimer: No dogs were offered chocolate in any form in the course of researching and writing this post.

Why This Topic?

One of the topics that was covered in last week’s debunking live stream was whether white chocolate was really chocolate. (TL;DR – it is.)

TheChocolateLife::LIVE – Chocolate Claims DEBUNKED
Misinformation travels six times faster than the truth, and for some reason, bad information is sticky – resistant to being accepted as wrong. In this live stream I give debunking some erroneous claims about chocolate a go.

As I was going through the Code of Federal Regulations on white chocolate (CFR §21.163.124) it occurred to me that it could be interesting to review the entire section – Part 163 - Cacao Products – in detail. So that’s what we’re going to do in this episode.

The Code of Federal Regulations
Title 21 / Chapter 1 / Subchapter B / Part 163 – Cacao Products

Above is the link to the page that forms the starting point of the discussion. Below are the links to the other pages that are referenced during the live stream.

FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
FDA Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP)
FDA INSPECTION GUIDES (Section 3 Cocoa/Chocolate)
FDA Coffee and Cocoa Bean Sweeps
FDA Small Business Nutrition Labeling Exemption Guidance
FDA Guidance for Industry: Food Labeling Guide
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS International Food (Chocolate) Standards

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Ooh! Ooh! I know! I know!

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