UPDATED: TheChocolateLifeLIVE – Awards Analysis Nerdgasm & AMA

UPDATED: TheChocolateLifeLIVE – Awards Analysis Nerdgasm & AMA

Episode 75 of #TheChocolateLifeLIVE streams on Tuesday, December 20th from 12:00~13:00 EST.

Every time I try to take a deeper dive looking to understand the results of awards programs like the International Chocolate Awards, the Academy of Chocolate Awards, the NW Chocolate Festival/Chocolate Alliance Awards – when I resurface I feel extremely frustrated.

Not necessarily with the awards themselves (though I do have nits large and small to pick with all of them), but primarily with the way the results are organized and published.

And, despite repeated entreaties to the organizers asking them to do a better – and more complete – job publishing the information the winners and the industry needs, there has been little to no improvement over all the years I have been asking.

In this episode of #TheChocolateLifeLIVE I will go through the published results from three competitions in 2022 and reveal in great depth what I am looking for, what I find, how much work it takes to turn the published results into something useful and usable – and, more importantly, what is missing and why that’s important.

World Final 2021-22 - Winners - International Chocolate Awards
2022 – Academy of Chocolate
Just the bean to bar categories!
Awards Program
The Chocolate Alliance 2022 winners – or at least most of them. Results in the packaging category are missing.
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#nwchocolatefestivalawards #chocolateallianceawards
#chocolate #cacao #cocoa #cacau
#TheChocolateLife #LaVidaCocoa

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