Two Reviews and One Tasting | #PodSaveChocolate

Episode 6 of #PodSaveChocolate features reviews of products from two brands and a live tasting of products from a third.
Where to Watch

Click to watch in a new tab or window. Please subscribe (free!) to the @PodSaveChocolate YouTube channel as well as like this video, comment, and share to help grow the #PSC community.
Link to watch and comment from my LinkedIn profile.
Link to watch and comment on TheChocolateLife page on Facebook (live event).
Episode 6 Overview
As you might imagine, I get contacted regularly by chocolate makers, distributors, and their PR companies about tasting and reviewing their products. I created a #Reviews tag where all of the reviews I have done can be easily accessed.
In this episode, I will be talking about two brands I was sent samples of that I have not made the time to write individual reviews. (I have consumed every bite of both of them but I have my notes and I will be referring to them as I share my impressions of them.) Both of these companies are in the US.

Espressio: The first box of chocolate I have ever received that came with a USB charging cable. Inside is a video player that will play a file every time the box is opened. Unfortunately, the box was dropped during shipping and some of the pieces were broken.

Two bars in the Art Bar Collection: [L]: Fronts. [C]: Backs. [R]; Closeup on one of the bars.
There is also a third company whose products I will share and I still have samples that I will be tasting, live. This maker is in New Zealand and the products feature a famous NZ ingredient.

Click here for the bulk honey/chocolate patties.\
As always, I will be fielding questions and comments.
Want me to review and talk about your products in a future episode?
Email me to start the discussion.
PodSaveChocolate Commitments
In every episode of #PodSaveChocolate I ask my guests and all participants (participating live or after the fact) to identify something they will commit to – this day, next week, next month, and next year to save chocolate. I hold myself to this task.
My commitment for this episode is to continue to promote the importance of chocolatiers that I classify as “Hometown Favorites.” While I have one foot in the world of craft chocolate and the other in the world of industrial chocolate, Hometown Favorites remind us of the connections we have to chocolate that are – usually – forged in our childhoods. Learn more about Hometown Favorites during the time I talk about River Street Sweets.
Homework for Participants
What commitment will you make to the Pod Save Chocolate mission? Let us know in the comments below.
Episode Hashtags
#tasting #review
#cocoa #cacao #cacau
#chocolate #chocolat
#PodSaveChocolate #PodSaveChoc #PSC
#LaVidaCocoa #TheChocolateLife
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