Communicating the Flavors of Chocolate & Coffee | #PodSaveChocolate

Communicating the Flavors of Chocolate & Coffee | #PodSaveChocolate

Episode 16 of #PodSaveChocolate features my 2023 presentation to the British Society of Flavourists.

When and Where to Watch

This episode airs live from 10:00 MST / 12:00 EST / 17:00 GMT on Friday, February 2nd, 2024. This post was updated after the live stream to include the two book links and to add Genetics into the flavor equation.
Communicating the Flavors of Chocolate & Coffee | #PodSaveChocolate
Episode 16 OverviewThis episode of #PodSaveChocolate features an updated version of the presentation I gave to the annual symposium of The British Society of…

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Episode 16 Overview

This episode of #PodSaveChocolate features an updated version of the presentation I gave to the annual symposium of The British Society of Flavourists on October 2oth, 2023 on Communicating the Flavors of Chocolate and Coffee. The overall theme and topic of the Symposium was coffee. (The 2024 Symposium, to be held in Brussels, will have chocolate and cocoa as its theme.)

When I was asked to put together a presentation, I immediately thought back to my days at RISD where I was introduced to Edward Tufte’s book The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. (I was fortunate to be able to take a class taught by Tufte after I graduated.)

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

Buy (Amazon affiliate link)

That book, and other Tufte books, have influenced my thinking about infographics, and I leaned into those experiences when I was asked to work with organizers of the Cocoa of Excellence program back in 2015 to find a better visual than spider graphs. A colleague and I produced the graphics for the 2015, 2017, and 2019 editions of the Cocoa of Excellence awards, and those graphics have also appeared in the MOCCA Flavour Maps project.

In this episode, I will go through the presentation and this time I will have more than the original thirty minutes to go through it. Of course, I will also be taking questions and comments, LIVE!

How Chocolate Gets Its Taste

F = G ≡ T ≡ ApH ≡ M ⨋ sP

G = Genetics (of the tree)
T = terroir
ApH = local agricultural and post-harvest processes.
M= manufacturing processes
sP=sensory perception

Communicating about flavor involves articulating sP. The tools and language used to articulate sP dominate the communication.

Hidden Persuaders in Cocoa and Chocolate

A book I had some influence on and an effort by BC that used some of the work I did for Cacao of Excellence starting in 2015.

Buy (Amazon affiliate link)

Other Visualizations

Episode Hashtags

#Tasting #Flavors #Flavours #Coffee
#cocoa #cacao #cacau
#chocolate #chocolat
#PodSaveChocolate #PodSaveChoc #PSC
#LaVidaCocoa #TheChocolateLife

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