October is National Dessert Month (here in the US)

October is National Dessert Month!
According to Wikipedia, “The word “dessert” originated from the French word desservir “to clear the table” and the negative of the Latin word servire.”

If you look at the Wikipedia page linked to above, you’ll see listed more different kinds of cakes, candies, cookies, and custards than can be safely eaten in a year, let alone a single month – and that’s just in the C’s!
Going through the list, what are your favorite categories of desserts and some of your favorite kinds and flavors? Do you have a family member who makes them? Do you make these yourself? Or do you have a favorite shop that makes The. Best. [Insert your choice here]. Ever!
And that you don’t mind sharing with us.
I must admit I am a fan of classics, though I am often very disappointed by tiramisu, the world’s favorite dessert. I also love affogatos and am extremely fond of chocolate pecan pie. I am tempted to go cross-category and choose something that includes items from more than one category. Brownie sundaes with salted caramel chocolate sauce topped with deep-fried almonds and whipped cream are never a bad idea.
What about you?