Influencing a Generational Approach

I was asked to be the first featured expert for 2021 in this monthly series from IC magazine.
It began with a connection on LinkedIn, a contact that quickly bloomed into a request to answer ten questions as a part of International Confectionery’s monthly series, Ask the Expert.
On a tight deadline of course. And totaling 1300-1500 words.
When I got the questions it was a mix of the expected (about my career) and the unexpected (“Is sustainability achievable?” and “What do I hope to achieve in 2021?”). Surprisingly – to me, anyway, as I am not known to be a man of few words – the first draft was short of 1300 words so I was able to go back in and expand on a few of my answers.
You can read the entire article (pp 36-38) by loading the digital version of the issue in your browser using the link below. You can also use the download tool to create your own .PDF copy of the article for your own reference offline.
What do you think of what I wrote? What could be made clearer or that you’d like me to expand upon? Do you disagree with anything I wrote? If so, why?
And, if you’re up for sharing – what do you hope to achieve (professionally) in 2021?