Press cake to cocoa powder

Currently I am making our own cacao butter and press cake per origin. I am looking for the equipment needed to convert the press cake into a flour like substance. I have heard some are using the Omcan cheese grater but my customers require it finer. I have seen flour mills on you tube and such but I am told they will not work unless a whole grain is used. My customer needs are for baking and making hot cocoa

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Comment by: Kakao Ra

Thanks Clay
I thought the Gringo. Oils do the job based on the burrs but wasn’t sure. All the. Ideas I watched on the Chinese mills basically looked the same. The Kleego 50 is next on my list

Comment by: DiscoverChoc

There are at least two steps in the process. The first is to break the press cake into smaller pieces (this is called kibbling). These smaller pieces have to fit into the grinder, usually a steel burr grinder (like the FBM Grindgo) or a hammer mill with a screen of the appropriate size. You may want to (or need to) do this grinding in several passes to get the particle size you are looking for. Sieving will separate out particles that are too big.

One thing to note is that these grinders are likely to generate fine dust that is potentially an explosion risk. So be very careful! You may want the grinder in a separate room with a special air exhaust system or some method to limit the dust the machine throws off – and you will want to ensure the machine is grounded properly and be careful when using that nothing generates a spark.