Selling our Inventory of Polycarbonate & Silicone Molds

UPDATE (8/24/18): We still have lots of molds left, including some Tomric bar molds (50g) that were not listed before. The Tomric molds are $5 each (they're polycarbonate, but not injection-molded). All other molds $10 each.
We shut down our truffle production and are selling our molds for $10 each. The polycarbonate molds are in excellent condition. We have some Trufflymade silicone molds that are in good condition as well, but they have white residue from the fat that is impossible to wash off (we've cleaned them thoroughly). The price for the polycarbonate and silicone molds is $10 each. Please see the attached list for mold shape and size, number of cavities, etc. I'm happy to answer any questions.
We have 4 of those molds left. They’re yours if you want them. Let me know and I’ll put them aside. Will you be picking them up from us?
heLLo Lauren,
i am Located in seattLe and wouLd Like to purchase aLL 6ea of your cocoa pod moLds, 6ea of the siLicone disc moLd, and 6ea of the siLicone dome moLd.
if stiLL avaiLabLe
We have 4 of the 1251 left, 24 of the 1106, 26 of the 2222 and 14 of the 1912. Email us at orders at chocolopolis dot com and let us know what you want. They're $10 each plus shipping. We can quote you a shipping price once we know how many you want. Thanks!
I’m interested in several molds, including: CW1251, CW1106, CW2222, and MA1912. Can you tell me what of these is left? Thanks!
Hi Dodi – They're yours! I'm out of town, but one of my team members will contact you about shipping and payment.
Hi Dodi – I had one person express interest in purchasing the molds, but she hasn't committed. I just emailed her to tell her I need a decision. Stay tuned. You can email us at orders at chocolopolis dot com if you want to communicate directly. We can take your credit card over the phone.
I would like to purchase 24 of the Tomric Bar Molds
Tomric 50g bar molds Polycarbonate Tomric 4 G-610
Please let me know how to proceed. I have Paypal.
Napa Valley Chocolate Company
Do you still have the Chocolate World molds 2231?
We still have quite a few left as well as a bar mold not listed before. I'm posting the updated list.
I am interested in a few molds, the turban and the xinxings bar mold