TheChocolateLifeLIVE | Cocoa and Climate Change: Cause? Solution?

Episode 120 of #TheChocolateLifeLIVE is LIVE from 10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT on Tue, July 4th. Coming up in the next episode — Resolved: Tony’s Chocolonely is a Force for Good in the World.
Watch on my LinkedIn profile
Watch on TheChocolateLife page on Facebook (live event)
In this episode we’re going to be exploring cocoa and climate change: Does cocoa contribute to the problem (and if it does, how), and how can cocoa be a part of solutions to climate change (if it can)?
The discussion will include topics in planting design (e.g., agroforestry) and carbon credits in the discussion over on LinkedIn. So – I recommend everyone take a read of the thread as a part of getting ready for this live stream.
And then we also need to consider the sustainable markets aspect of the issue – who’s going to pay for it and are any of the economic benefits going to inure to smallholder farmers?

Just A Few Carbon Credits in Cocoa Links

UN Global Climate Awards » Deforestation-Free Cocoa | Peru

Some Files to Download and Read
#climate #climatechange
#regenerativeagriculture #cabruca #agroforestry
#chocolate #craftchocolate #cacao #cocoa #cacau
#TheChocolateLife #LaVidaCocoa