Have you tried grinding nibs to drinking chocolate? At the last Paris chocolate show I spotted this…

Have you tried grinding nibs to drinking chocolate?
At the last Paris chocolate show I spotted this machine producing drinking chocolate – or cacao liquor – straight form cacao nibs. They said there are 2 heated burr grinders inside. I tasted it and it was not grainy at all. Most likely below 20 microns. Have any of you tried this direct process? Any suggestions?
Thank you,

Archived Comments

Yes, very “visible” so good show. This could also create a (small) market for nibs.

Here in NYC Oded Brenner is doing this at Blue Stripes Cacao (13th St) using a steel burr grinder. Any particles above a certain size settle to the bottom. The consistency of the chocolate depends on the amount of liquid added to the liquor.

It’s a great idea at retail. I like the burr grinder because the process is more visual.

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