ICD’s ICCF Abuja/Lagos Nigeria 2024 | #PodSaveChocolate

Episode 12 of #PodSaveChocolate comprises a report of my recent trip to Nigeria for International Cocoa Diplomacy’s International Cocoa and Chocolate Forum.
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Episode 12 Overview
My first visit to Nigeria was in 2021 and I wrote about that trip here:

For this recent trip, I was tasked with moderating panels at International Cocoa Diplomacy’s International Cocoa and Chocolate Forum / Nigeria, held in Abuja and Lagos. International Cocoa Diplomacy (“ICD”), while incorporated in London, was founded by the Oloni of Eti-Oni, HRM Oba Dokun Thompson, my host on this trip as well as for my visit to London in October 2023.

The report for my visit to London.
Nigeria is roughly four times the area of Ghana with over 6.5 times the population. With over 220 million inhabitants, the Nigerian market is roughly two-thirds that of the United States. And, Lagos boasts one of the busiest ports in Africa, much busier than Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire, which produces 7-8x more cocoa than Nigeria does.
Cocoa is an important crop in Nigeria and is one of the most valuable non-oil export commodities.
With those statistics in mind, the overall theme of ICCF/Nigeria 2024 was Putting Value in Cocoa in Producing Regions.
The session in Abuja (the federal capital) focused on policy and finance and was attended by the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, the Budget Minister, an associate focused on agriculture from the American Embassy, the MD/CEO of NEXIM – the Nigerian Export-Import Bank (an arm of the Central Bank of Nigeria), and the ED/CEO of the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), among others. Presentation and panel topics included the Impact of EUDR Compliance on the Nigerian Cocoa Sector; COP 28 Resolutions; Expanding Thinking Beyond Cocoa Beans and the Opportunities for Investment and Job Creation; and the Importance of Classification and Denomination.
The session in Lagos focused on investment and entrepreneurship, with representatives from the offices of the governors of Lagos and Osun States, Nigeria’s Chief Trade Negotiator, the Commissioner of Lagos’ Ministry of Commerce, Cooperatives, Trade, and Investment, the MD/EDs of several banks, and several young entrepreneurs in coffee, cocoa, and chocolate. Presentation and panel topics included Understanding Valuation Addition Beyond Transforming Cocoa into Derivatives, Clarifying Taxes in Relation to Value Addition; Opportunities for Wealth Creation within AfCTA; and The Future of Cocoa and its Transformation Potential.
In this episode of PodSaveChocolate, I will discuss my impressions of the trip with a focus on the two conference days. I will also talk about my trip to CRIN and the work they are doing there ...
and there will be a live, first-impression, tasting of several Nigerian chocolate brands I picked up on the trip.
Links and Other Resources
Some press from the conference session in Lagos

One of more than a half-dozen articles in Nigerian press outlets covering the launch of Cocoa Connect Africa.

From our visit to CRIN in Ibadan.

Small-scale manufacturing facility at CRIN

Some of the chocolate-making equipment – [ L > R ] Pin mill, Universal, 3-roll mill.

CRIN Flavor Lab
Episode Hashtags
#ICD #ICCF #Nigeria #Abuja #Lagos #CRIN
#cocoa #cacao #cacau
#chocolate #chocolat
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