#PodSaveChocolate Archive – Episodes 101+

#PodSaveChocolate Archive – Episodes 101+

News, views, and conversations on topics in cocoa and chocolate streamed live to YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook. #PodSaveChocolate! [ Updated March 2, 2025. ]

»» 2025 Episodes ««


A Threat to Craft Chocolate? | #PodSaveChocolate Ep 104
Episode 104 is a response to an OpEd penned by Alastair (Ali) Gower of Chocolate Tree (Scotland), published in the industry newsletter Cocoa Radar. While the OpEd posits questions about the definition of craft, it questions how (some) companies market themselves as being craft. [ Updated ]

Ep 104 | Friday February 28th

Salon du Chocolat NYC 2025 Preview | #PodSaveChocolate Ep103
Episode 103 .... previewing the upcoming Salon du Chocolat in NYC to be held March 21-23 at the Javits Convention Center.

Ep 103 | Tuesday February 25th

Equipping a Startup Craft Chocolate Biz | #PodSaveChocolate Ep102
Episode 102 explores options for equipping a startup craft chocolate business for success and where the CapEx equipment budget is a key concern. I will only cover build-out issues incidentally.

Ep 102 | Friday February 21st

Equipping a Budget Workshop Pt 2 | #PodSaveChocolate Ep101
Episode 101 explores options for smallwares and low(er)-cost items that fill in the gaps when kitting out a budget chocolate/confectionery workshop. [ Updated ]

Ep 101 | Tuesday February 18th

»» Episodes 100+ ⬆️ ««

»» Episodes 1-100 ⬇️ ««

November 17th 2023 – February 14th, 2025

Splitting up the archive makes page loading much faster. Click the card below to visit the page for episodes 1-100.

#PodSaveChocolate Archive Episodes 1-100
News, views, and conversations on topics in cocoa and chocolate streamed live to YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook. #PodSaveChocolate!

The first 100 episodes

#PodSaveChocolate and #TheChocolateLifeLIVE Archives

To read an archived post and find the links to watch archived episodes, click on the bookmark card, below.

#TheChocolateLifeLIVE Archive
News, views, and conversations on topics in cocoa and chocolate streamed live to YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Hosted by Clay Gordon, the creator and moderator of TheChocolateLife.com, #PodSaveChocolate covers a wide variety of topics in the worlds of cocoa and chocolate. The video versions of this podcast are hosted and archived on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Click on the PodSaveChocolate link in the top nav on TheChocolateLife for the links to the post accompanying each episode.

Audio-only versions.

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