TheChocolateLifeLIVE – The $100 Chocolate Bar

Episode 76 of #TheChocolateLifeLIVE streams from 12:00~13:00 EST on Friday, December 23rd.
I first started talking about the need for a $100 bar of chocolate back in 2012.
I was a guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Academy of Chocolate in London. I had the luxury of being the last speaker on the official program as a member of a panel titled “The Global Future of Chocolate,” and I spent my allotted time reacting to and summarizing what I had heard from the other speakers earlier in the program. This idea grew out of what I heard from the other speakers that day and I have been noodling on it for well over a decade now.
In this episode of TheChocolateLifeLIVE I will present my arguments for why such a bar is needed – I would go so far as to say necessary – and go over what I think some of the attributes for such a bar would be. Of course, I will be taking questions live from participants and will ask for your input on what you think is important and whether or not you agree with the premise and my assertions.
NOW ... many of you may point out there already is some really expensive chocolate out there, from To’ak. And I would agree that To’ak chocolate is expensive. I will argue in the livestream why I think their products do not fit into my model for the core attributes of my $100 chocolate bar.

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