Site Search Update

Site Search Update

After some downtime, site search is back up and running with a new engine delivering improved responsiveness and near-instant updating when new posts are published and updated.

From the very beginning, improving the search experience on TheChocolateLife has been an important goal for me. I wrote the post below soon after I made the move to Ghost explaining what some of my goals were.

Improving Search on TheChocolateLife
We are in the process of configuring a new search engine for TheChocolateLife that will greatly improve search capabilities.

Ghost, out of the box, has a serviceable, simple search capability that is limited to headlines. Even with a plug-in to enhance the built-in capabilities, there was a limit to the number of posts that can be indexed, and I was near that limit when I got done importing all the content from the Maven Network site. At the time, there was very little support for third-party search engine integrations.

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