by The Archivist 5 years ago #Ask TCL My friend's son wants to be a chocolatier! He is 25 and anxious. Currently he lives in Washington State, but he is looking for an opportunity to inter
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Ask TCL HI everyone, I've been having some trouble with coloured cocoa butter adhearing to the chocolates. I am tempering the cocoa butter to ~ 31 degrees b
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Ask TCL Hello Everyone! We are looking to purchase a new automatic tempering machine and have come across the KeyChoc machines. I was wondering if anyone here
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Classifieds For sale: Chocolate Melangers Online in USA We are Manufacturers and sellers of Chocolate Melanger Grinder, Cocoa Grinder, Chocolate refineries and C
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Classifieds For Sale - Hermes JKV30 Chocolate Tempering and Molding Machine with Vibrating Table - Located in Los Angeles Works great. Well maintained $7500 obo
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Classifieds World's first 'SCIENCE meets CHOCOLATE ART' book by Gerhard Petzl available now!
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Ask TCL Does anyone (Clay?) have a listing of FBM Aura Error codes? I have a flashing one that says: All Coc A.06 Suggestions? Thx!!
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Classifieds Aloha, i am looking for a 6kg Mol D' Art Melter, give me a hauler if you got one for sale, Best, Brian
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Classifieds Hi all! My name is Austin Simkins and I am a co-owner/founder of Natural Way Food Group located in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I am looking to sell our
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Ask TCL Where can I source Cacao Husk for tea? Ideally organic from a peru farm. It's for commercial purposes.
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Classifieds Hello. I am looking for a used refiner/conch chocolate machine around 25 to 30 kg capacity
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Ask TCL Looking to source natural and deodorized cocoa butter in Canada or USA.
by The Archivist 5 years ago #Ask TCL I'm an at home chocolate "hobbiest", hoping to turn my passion into a small side business (I'm a teacher/educator by day). I recently bought a Chocovi